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In 1923, five Douglas “World Cruiser” was ordered for the round-the-world flight, one for testing and training, and four for the actual expedition. The Seattle World Cruiser, Seattle II, a flying reproduction of the first aircraft to fly around the world in 1924, the Douglas “World Cruiser”. The aircraft includes the actual steering wheel and throttle quadrant salvaged from the Seattle I.

On 06th April 1924, the four expedition aircraft, named Boston, Chicago, New Orleans and Seattle, departed Sand Point, Washington. The Seattle crashed in Alaska on 30th April, and Boston was forced down and damaged beyond repair in the Atlantic, off the Faroe Islands. The remaining 2 aircraft continued accross the Atlantic to North America, where they were joined by prototype, named Boston II at Nova Scotia. The three remaining aircraft returned to Seattle on 28th September 1924

The Seattle II was built to the specifications of the original Douglas World Cruiser (DWC) drawings by aviation enthusiast and pilot Bob Dempster with support from many volunteers, the Boeing Museum Of Flight, the Smithsonian, and the Boeing Company. Seattle II took her first flight on 2015. Bob’s ultimate goal is to fly the Seattle II with his wife, Dianne, around the world, paying homage to the original DWC flight, an aviation milestone that took place from April to September of 1924.

The Seattle II is seen here performing a couple flights around Mercer Island, giving ride to long-time volunteers of the project.